Friday, March 9, 2007

Waterways Lead (rough draft)

Water- the human body can only survive without it for three days. It is important to say the least, but imagine a place where drinking water is hard to come by. The idea is not as far-fetched as we may have once hoped. Many river basins, such as the Ganga-Brahmaputra-Meghna (GBM) basin are in dire need of global attention in order to avert what could become a huge crisis. Waterways 2007 is a biennial conference held at the University of North Texas March 13th through March 15th in which philosophers, scientists, politicians, managers, and specialists come together to discuss our world’s water problems. One of the featured speakers, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. of the Waterkeeper Alliance, will discuss issues such as water scarcity during the conference. Other speakers include Ramaswamy R. Iyer, Former Secretary of Water, Govt. of India and John A. McLachlan, Director, RiverSphere and the Katrina Environmental Research & Restoration Network. Waterways sessions are free and open to the public and for more information visit the official website

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